"London in the Mist" Pastel Pencil Landscape with 5 Pencils
I thought it might be a good idea to give you a brief rundown as to how this lovely picture of "London in the Mist" came about.Several years ago I painted a similar project on the member’s site called "Figures in the Mist" using watercolour for the overall background and used pastel pencil on top.
This picture was well received and I thought it was time to do another. However this time I wanted the whole picture done in pastel pencil which meant using our tried and trusted sand coloured Ingres pastel paper. Up till now all my grey tone pictures were completed on either white watercolour paper or white sketching paper. I was unsure if I would be able to achieve the effect I wanted using our sand coloured paper.After several experiments I was confident that I could pull it off and set to finding a suitable location and subjects.I had always wanted to paint London scenes but was put off by the detail that would be needed for the fantastic architecture of my favourite London landmarks.Then I had a ‘chandelier’ moment (that’s similar to a ‘light bulb moment’ but much brighter). I thought why not fade the landmarks into the mist that way very little detail if any would be necessary.
The picture above shows Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament in the mist with the river Thames visible behind the railings. I decided to include a little detail in the figures rather than having them completely blacked out which I think worked very well.I hope that you will enjoy doing the project and I do intend to produce several other paintings on a similar theme, I would like to know what you think so please contact us with your comments.Watch a clip from the tutorial below. Get LifeTime Access to this course for £3.99 or join our Membership for access to this course and more.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT2iNjUVp9s