Increase The Tones in Your Pictures with Increased Confidence
Avril has sent me her lovely painting of the Kitten project and has asked for feedback.This really is a good effort and the only point I would like to make is that the base colours have been over applied resulting in the stronger more vibrant colours have been weakened and in turn look dull.This is a very common error when someone starts using the pastel pencils but with plenty of practice this problem is solved by having more confidence in using the stronger tones.Compare the eyes in Avril’s picture with the original above to see this difference.
Avril also sent me her apple painting and feels that the red is not strong enough. Here again it is the base colours affecting the vibrancy of the stronger tones.Avril did say that she had not used our usual sand coloured Ingres pastel paper and thought this might have resulted in the colour looking dull.This could have contributed to the final effect but as I said it was the overuse of the base colours that was the culprit here.If you would like feedback on your artwork, look into joining our exclusive membership.